"Your First Time"
You never forget your first time at the polls.
For Barack Obama's 2012 campaign, we needed to get young, first-time voters into the voting booth.
Naturally, we turned to sex. We created a video starring Lena Dunham. It was viewed 2.5 million times during the campaign.
#3 commercial of 2012
-Time Magazine
"[It] appears to have won the presidential election."
-LA Times
It also pissed a lot of people off.
Print Campaign
We also create a print campaign for colleges. We didn’t let up with the sex jokes.
Spurred on by these efforts, the Obama campaign got 1.25 million more youth votes than it did in 2008.
Fun fact! The tagline for this campaign was originally "Swipe Your V-Card" but Obama wasn't into it.
Dot-to-Dot Poster
We also created this poster that featured each of Obama’s campaign promises as a dot in a portrait. As promises were kept, you could cross off the dots.